It's that time of year - out with the old and in with the new and in Risa's Kluttered Kitchen that means cleaning out the pantry. So here are my tips for cleaning out your pantry..
1- Check the expiration dates on the packaging. Any food, condiment, spice or sauce you haven’t used in the last year should be thrown out, unless the expiration date hasn’t been reached yet.
2-anything that looks or smells bad should be immediately thrown out.
3-If you store small ceramic or glass items in the cabinet, check for breakage.
4-If you start out disorganized,you will be disorganized all year long. Clean out the whole cabinet and just place the correct things in the cabinet. Everything else goes somewhere else.
5- wash out the bottom and the sides, and keep it open to dry well. Then place things back in that are meant to be in there.
Extrs tip:
6-if you starting a new diet or eating plan in the new year place all the spices, condiments, foods for that plan all in one place (same with the refrigerator.) Get rid of everything that doesn’t go with it so if you are going sugar-free, take all the candy and cookies and put it somewhere else, out of sight, or throw it out (I can never do that SO I put it in the basement out of my sight or I eat it up by the middle of January.)
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